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variable section sweep

In Wildfire, I created a "boundary blend" to create the surfaces. In 2001 I believe it was called "blended surface". I created 3 blended surfaces for the main shape and 2 flat surfaces for the ends.

View attachment 2366

The first blended surface used curves from features 7 & 9 for the first direction, and all 4 curves of features 12 & 13 for the second direction. The second used curves from features 8 & 9 for first direction, and all 4 curves from features 12 & 13 for the second direction. The third used curves from features 5 & 8 for the first direction, and all 4 curves from features 12 & 13 for the second direction.

I merged all surfaces together, then solidified to make a solid. In 2001, I believe you "create solid from quilt".
Then you need to create datum curves for each defined cross section and use them for the sections in the sweep.
Dear Appinmi

Can u pl check my model , whether the curves I made is correct for doing VSS.


The model that you posted had no "X section curves". You need to create curvesplanes that are parallel to the "TOP" plane with different distances between the "TOP" plane and "DTM3".
Dear Appinmi

Can pl coreect the same & resend it to me, where exactly u need to say the curves has to be ???

thanks & regards

Hi sbpanda

i am not agreed with ALLAN, VSS don't have any need of X-section curves.These are only required when you are using boundry Blen or Swep blend.

In VSS there is only one section required to sweep over many trajtory.

There is problem wtih your "Curve id 100", since the VSS alway fails when it finds sharp and steep radius, or small radius.

I have modified the above mentioned curve, and VSS works fine.

You need to modified the curve within your constrained and funtionality.View attachment 2375

