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I haven't done one in a while, I have a wire that I want to do as a sweep. I remember that there was a way to draw a portion of it, then spin it 90 degrees and sketch another portion then spin it another way and sketch it again. I tried Variable section sweep, but I don't get the option to spin it after the first portion. Any idea?
I think what you really need is Swept Blend, for which you can specify each section's rotation in the Z direction
Ok, now when I choose swept blend it's asking for a trajectory, that's what I'm trying to create. How do I create the trajectory?
You got to have a trajectory to make a Vss, a sweep or , in this case a sweptblend.The trajectory needed is ...hmm...the trajectory that you use to sweep your section/s on.

So, create a sketch or a datum curve, and use that as a trajectory.

Then you can create your section (sketched or curves)that will create you sweptblend.


Edited by: tobbo
Ok let me try this again, I need to create a datum curve to sweep along...
that part I know... what i don't remember is, i used to be able to create a
datum curve then rotate the curve, sketch another curve 90 degrees to the
last one, rotate again, sketch another... The curve I need to make changes
directions and angles several times. Is this still possible to make it all in one
curve, not several pieces. I've been using Pro for 15 years, I just haven't
needed to use this functionality for a few revs.
Is this what you are looking for?
i used to be able to create a
datum curve then rotate the curve, sketch another curve 90 degrees to the
last one, rotate again, sketch another... The curve I need to make changes
directions and angles several times.Is this still possible to make it all in one
curve, not several pieces

A lot of "curves" there
. If you dont have to have a datumcurve to sweep along, then you could probably create a general or rotational blend. Whit those features , you can create sketch/sections (curves...) and rotate, translate then.

In this feature (generalblend) i have 3 sections (squares) . Between the first and second, i rotate the section 90 degalongz , and between the second and thirdi rotate 90 deg along x. (and remember, you use an internal c-sys in this feature.... )

Edited by: tobbo
This is the shape I am trying to create as one curve. Right now its 4 pieces and Pro won't create the protrusion because there's too many pieces.
Something to try is creatingpoints for the curve to pass through using the Offset Coordinate System Datum point Tool. Create a datum curve feature through the points using the Whole Array and Single Rad options (from your picture it looks like you have one radius value for the bends).

if you got the "curve" (made out of 4 curves) , and you wants it as ONE single curve, you can make a "approximate curve" of your existing curves.

Use , copy/paste on the curves.

What is it that "you want in the end" , in other words, whats the purpose of this?

whats up tobius?or rebuild the curve in ISDX.... that gives you more control on how far to vary the curve geometry. Just throwing alternates out there....

