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vertical text


New member
Can anybody tell me if there is a way to create text in sketcher mode vertically without having to create each letter individually and placing them vertically.

What I want is to read it vertically without having to turn your head to read it.
One way to do this would be to create a new font consisting of characters rotated 90 degrees, and then create your text with the text line horizontal. I have not tried this so if you do this let the forum know if it worked out.
Well it is quite simply;
In sketch mode you have tool Create text as a part of a section (icon looks like later A with dimensions), select it, click on point where you want start of your text, move mouse horizontally, and click, now new window will open, there you can chose which font you want and type your text, click OK.
This is it, you also have options like place text on curve so you'll have curvature text

Hope it helps

