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View reverts back to standard orientation


New member
When I am in the middle of creating a feature and decide to cancel the feature, the model always reverts to the standard orientation. Is there a way to stop this so that the model remains in its current orientation. It becomes very annoying to rotate and zoom a model about to see a particular feature, then for it to revert back to the standard orientation after the cancelling of a feature. I also believe it happens when you suppress a feature.

My guess is you have to learn to live with it. (As with a million other things I don't like about ProE)

create the view at your desired position and save it. It will add to the saved views of your start template views.


I think it's better you define views using default datum planes as refernces, this led to keep the orientation the same even you change the part. Use default datum planes instead of datums created through faces of part because they don't change at all.

a far simpler way is to use view/previous which will revert the
orientation from default back to the orientation at the start of the
cancelled feature creation. I have this bound to F2 because I use it
that often.


