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Viewing inside part or assembly


New member
Friend in shipbuilding business has asked me specific question on which I dont
have an answer.
Can you in proe view inside closed volume (part or assembly)?
If you have a closed or semi closed hull of a ship modeled as part or
assembly can you see inside volume (camera is inside of object).
Purpose is to work inside of object for example to model ribs and other
parts of ship and to not be obstructed in view by parts that are in front of you.
All lines (objects) inside part or assembly are gray in wireframe mode and in shaded mode I can not see them at all and that is i am trying to avoid.
I want to see objects inside (camera is inside) in a way that front side of hull is invisible or behind me in view.
Is there a way of doing that in proe? I dont want to use layers and turning off
some portions of ship.

Thank you for any help.

Could you put in an assembly cut? That way, you could do the stuff in the one half of the ship. When you want to do the stuff on the other side you would flip the arrow forcut side, and when you are done you can delete the cut.


You can go to View-->Display Settings-->Visibilities. Drag the Slider for Clip %. It will cut away the model depending on your view orientation. The only thing is it is not actually cutting away anything, so if you want to pick a certain surface, then you will best to use Query Select until the surface you want is highlighted. Hope this helps.
In View manager you can create a Style State.

It gives you the option to Blank components (they will still be in memory though)

Under the "Show" tab it gives you the option to force the component to be shown as wireframe, hidden, no hidden or shaded.

If you want to have the hull invisible except for the outline then select the wireframe option and then click on the hull part. Click on the eyeglasses to update the view window.

The state of the part will be shown in the model tree

This is for Wildfire.
Pre wildfire this was called "component display".

Alternatively in WF3 you couldcreata a section view midway through the ship and then set it active. It will show the cross section in a similar way to an assembly cut as SIP described.


It is possible to see as if inside, however, it may not be so easy to build features at the same time. You can change the perspective settings at follows:

view-->model setup-->perspective

choose "follow path" and select a detail from a feature positioned inside the model. The perspective will then place you along that line and you can spin around as if inside the space.

the slide controls can adjust the views and eye distance as you choose. Can get a bit weird looking if you turn and zoom out...

building features while having this perspective view is not something I do, but if it works for you then have at it

the setting will hold at the new perspective, but may break free when you select something. A mapkey might give you a quick reentry into this view mode


One other method is to create a simplified rep and exclude the hull components. This is better for speed and memory use as the hull components will not even be loaded into memory. If you need to reference those components, however, a style state where you set them to hidden line or wire frame is better.

BTW - At one time, PTC marketed a Pro|E Shipbuilding Solutions package designed specifically for those in the ship building industry. Don't know if the still offer that or not.
great tip magneplanar

taking advantage of such direction of this topic, can someone put some more light on further options in perspective menu - flythrough, walk through? What is the difference between them, and when is real demand to use of them?

thx in advance

I generally use the simplified representation (preferred) or style state outlinedabove. You could also create a semi-transparent swatch in your color pallet and set the hull to this color.
How 'bout using an assembly cross section? Make a plane offset from a central plane, then create an xsec. You can change the offset of the plane to see through different things, and if you want to turn around and look the other way, the xsec is flippable. This allows you to look inside and not have to deal with perspective issues.
Another way is to control the "Transperancy". You can make the outer component transperant or wire frame. This way you can still have the external component and at the same time view the inside details.

