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I have a problem with one particular assembly. On the drawing some of the components don't show up. They highlight in red when I select them in the model tree. Anyone have an idea what I might try?
Sounds like your components are blanked in the drawing.
To unblank them go,view... drawing display... component display. Then click unblank and then click the view. All the blanked components on that view will show up. Then select the component/s you want to unblank on the view or on the model tree.
1. layers could be one reason, maybe it's blanked in a layer
2. sometimes if there is an interference in assembly between components they don't display in drawing
3. someone may have erased the lines of that component in drawing. Pretty unlikely because this require much time to do it, but anyway view / drawing display / edge display / highlight mode to see if there are any erased lines.
I've just tried creating a drawing and blanking a component with layers. Itexhibits exactly the behaviour described so I thinkVlad's first suggestion might be your answer.
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