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visibility settings of merged features


New member
I have a part that has many other parts merged in. Whenever I make any changes to the merged in parts separately, the changes get reflected in the part that uses that part just as is the case with assemblies.

My problem is I need the visibility settings to change in parallel too. Or at least, I need to change them once in the great "mother" part. However, I am not able to select individual features of the merged in parts because they are merges, so I am not able to change visibility settings of individual features. When I change the visibility settings in the parts separately and then safe them. The new settings do not appear in the "mother" part.
Here, I didn't make that such a clear question. Let me rephrase it because I really would like to know the answer:

Let's say you have merged a part into another part. How can you change the visibility of features in the merged in part?
that is the point of merge at all. You copy whole bunch of things at once, without dealing with pick this, pick that, etc.

...since this is very comfortable way to make a copy for whole part it is turning to be compliant when you do not need some things from basic models - construction surfs, curves, cosmetics, etc. They, at once can be hidden by putting merge feat on layer and hide it. So all things apart of solid geom gonna hide.

Unfortunately to have better control, copy geom is regarded(by me) as a tool with much more control on stuff you are tring to copy

my 5 groszy (polish cents:))))


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