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Vista Slow Performance - FIX!?


New member
Hey guys I just found out today if Solidworks is running slow on Vista try running it in Safe Mode it makes a lot of a difference and runs so smooth.
Any other tips ?
Try running it on XP

Maybe everyone should run Vista in safe mode if such a mode for Vista exists. I don't think vista is safe for anyone who uses it, at least not yet.

Thanks for the tip though. Hopefully by the time I use SW on vista all the kinks will be worked out 99.9% as oppossed to `1.11%

Man, what's all the complaints I hear about VISTA? What problem?! I guess the old saying goes, "Live and Learn!" I never jump into a new OS whenit first comes outuntil most bugs have been resolved. It is now late August 2008 and I got my first PC with Vista. And I gotta say, "I LOVE IT!" I have always gone under the assumption of RESEARCH and TIMING before leaping. So not to boast or brag, but I switched from Dell (after 10+ years) to HP. I'm glad I did but that's just a personal choice. My new HP dt500 is custom configured with 2.66Ghz Duo Quad process with RAID 0. It has 8GB of RAM and a 1GB NVIDIA GeForce 980GT graphics card. Yeah, I know, QUADRO is industry standard for 3D but unless you are doing a lot of Photorendering, the Geforce is terrific. I have no problems with my new system running sw2008 on Vista.

