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Volume subtraction, or boolean operation


New member

I'm currently on a project making a thin model of aorta which means that inside of aorta is hollow. I've been trying different things but failed every time.

Basically I have two obj files with aorta. One with normal aorta and the other with thickened aorta. So, if I can manage to subtract the volume, Ithink I canmake a thin model. Can anyone help doing this operation?

Or, is there other simpler way to do this?

Thank you.

Theres a few methods you could use to hollow the part.

Since you already have two parts you can put them in an assembly and then perform a cut-out operation. Its under component operations.
If I shell the model, dont I get the other half of aorta cut opened? I want the aorta to be closed all around but hollow inside.

ankarl, when I put them in assembly, should I use "from shared file"?
You can define the shell so it doesnt open any surfaces.
Under references in the dash board deselect the surfaces you dont want to open under "removed surfaces"

To cut-out:
Assemble the parts with "insert-component-assemble" then "edit - component operations - cut-out"
The components has to be solid though.

