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Hi folks,

I have another problem with the design of my aircraft.
I have imported a catia step file in Pro E which represent the rear fuselage.
However I can't modify the imported feature as I would like to, as such Im trying to create a new feature based on geometry sketchs.
The geometry is not really difficult, I think I should either use VSS or BTT to recreate it, however I do not know how to do it.
You will find the .prt file here:

Many thanks in advance for your kind help!
My problem is more regarding the Pro-E feature which can "extrude" a cross section sketch "sketch 2" along another sketch "sketch 1" to reach a third cross-section "sketch 3" (ref above attached .prt file), rather than a "how to import a catia V5 file in Pro-E".
The catia file is bad, there are a bunch of holes which prevent a correct importation inside ProE W2.


This is an illustration of what I got:

The sweep does not follow the multiple extrusion path and I got a totally different feature.
My purpose is to get that rear fuselage solid (red delimitations) then get rid of the parent feature as its a step import file and keep the VSS one.

Any ideas?
Hey Glue, you were nearly there with this one. In the part I have attached you will see that I added 2 other curves to keep the surface controlled - features 12 and 13. Really then all that had to be done was create the boundary blend, fill in both ends and merge together and then make solid. Have good look over the boundary blend and see the method used for selecting the curves, also on the merge features because there is no overlap of surfaces is a little more stable to check the join option.

Hope this helps.


Just noticed Glue that its not really a straight forward blend between 2 end sections. If you look at the imaghe attached the imported data shows a slight bulge in this component so it will need a new section, roughly around the area shown in the image; to reflect the true profile.

The red lines and arrows show the imported data.View attachment 3144

Edited by: mcgowanp

Would you have an idea how to get rid of the imported file alone, keeping the rest of the features? The problem is the imported "id 4 feature" is the parent of all other features. Is there a possibility to remove the dependency?


If you really wanted to, you need to redefine all features that reference the imported geometry, I'd suggest just hiding the imported geometry on a layer


