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I have a part that is constant thickness, the shape is a racetrack and both the top and bottom surfaces are curved with the same radius. I have a curve on the top surface and one on the bottom surface that I will use as trajectories for the VSS. After I select both trajectories I cannot seem to get into sketch mode. It has been a while that I have used this command and I am sure a am forgetting someting. I am on wildfire 4. The cut will look like a countersink, where the angle will change going around the radius ends compared with the sides because the offset is different. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks. I have attached 2 pics.


    58.5 KB · Views: 6
well, seems one of the trajectories is not tangent all along - this is ordinary cause of the the problem

VSS will let you use non tangent chain trajectory, but as a single one, not in pair with any another

if there is one trajectory which entities does not keep tangency, Pro/E is not going to let you create internal sketch/section

un-ordinary casue - one of trajectories which is selected as primary ref, lays on complicated, curved surface. Then Pro/E also can have problems while "Normal to trajectory" option is turned on.
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