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Is it possible to get warning message from proe for a relation results?

I have a parametric model. Sometimes some dimension configuration makes the model crushed and needed to be fixed. I wantthe proerelation gives me a warning message according to a calculation results that tells this dimension configuration is not suitable for the model.

If you wish to know whether a relation syntax is correct, you can verify it. Proe provides for that. If your intention is to evaluate the result for correctness say for a particular known value, that too is possible. However, it will not give you Engineering Decisions. That is something you will have to make.

As I see it you have a component with same shape but different sizes, then the approach would be through "Family Table". You then can preview the resulting model for possibility.

A request.... It would be better to have a Meaningful Tile for the post, which would then help others to search for solutions. A person searching for a similar problem would never find this post.
You could create relations that don't allow this to happen. By created conditional statements you make make relations that if a certain feature is < a disired value, then set it to a minimum value for example.

