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Ok, it's a new week and I'm back. Can someone give me a little insight on the "Warp" feature? I've spenta lot of time looking back on previous posts but have not had any luck with my experimentation utilizing this command. What I'm trying to do is place a bend in a revolved feature at a stated distance from the face of the part. I am utilizing WF 2.0. I am completely unfamiliar with this command. If there is a better way to complete this, I am open to that as well. I just don't want to have to remodel the part. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You should be able to --> Insert --> Warp -->Then select your model, pick a reference plane and all the warp options should highlight. Pick Bend, cycle through the axis it will use type in angle of bend. Then in the words on the dashboard, you should be able to find one that will allow you to put in dimensions of where you want it to start from your reference plane. Sorry, don't have Pro open right now. Hope this helps.
Edited by: ehorton
I was in contact with someone regarding this, and they suggested Spinal Bend. Unfortunately this individual is unable to assist me with the actual use of the tool. As I mentioned above I am attempting to place a 5
No one can give me any pointers for the Spinal Bend command? It seems like this is used often, so I imagine at least some of you are able to give me a hand. Do you need more information?
This datum plane you refer to defines the extent of the bend. This plane should be equidistant with the end of your curve from the tangent of the radius of your curve. Your best bet is to search the Files for the box with a spinal bend. This is how I learned it. Spinal Bend works best with flat or straight features. Pro/E calculates the stretching & bending & sometimes it doesn't work out the way you expect. Perhaps you should post a picture of your model or the geometry so we can get a clearer idea of what you're bending.

This is the part. I would like to place the bend at DTM3 as the curve implies. I went through the"box" from the previous posting,attempting to determine what was done to successfully achieve the bend. Unfortunately the menu for redefining the feature is not the same as when it is created (for example: as a helical sweep is) so I am unable to recreate the feature.
It will work. You have some extralines in your sketch. Check it with the box you downloaded. Pick dtm_front as your datum plane. Just my two cents but if I was doing it I would forget about the bend altogether. Such a small portion of your model at such a slight angle could just probably be modeled with your extrudes and revolves which might make it more robust if future changes take place.

View attachment 4271
The new VSS function makes it pretty simple to create the "warped" shape with more controls.I had to zip the file for the 500k *.png file. The size limit on the graphics makes it difficult to upload a useful graphic with detail.
I finally got it. As I mentioned I wasn't very familiar with the function but after many trials and failures I believe I've got it down. For anyone else who isn't familiar with the function I went to the following website (listed below). It gave a very basic sample, step by step, which I replicated and then applied what I learned to my model.

I also mustgive some creditto those good ole boys in Buffalo!

