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weight in drawing


New member
I have made a table with the text &PRO_MP_MASS so far so good the weight is ok.
I want to use the table also in other drawings so ii save it but when I use it in a new drawing the weight is not anymore added the text in the table has changed to: PRO_MP_MASS:27 .
The ":27" that is added is the session ID of the originally referenced model. I imagine if you updated the table back to &pro_mp_mass in the new drawing it would be healthy again. Short abstracting the pro_mp_mass with another parameter and reporting that parameter to a repeat region, I'm not sure exactly how to get around this. There are lots of good threads about this topic on the forum. I'm sure one of them has the best solution.
This is a problem with all tables - it saves the session ID (the 27) as part of the table. You will need to open the table with no other parts in session (blank drawing), delete the :27, then resave the table. This will ensure that it works correctly when adding to other drawings.

