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I have a large number of parts/assemblies that were given to me by a supplier. They had units that were "custom" - otherwise meaning Pro-E wouldn't tell me what they were. When I introduced these supplier parts into my assembly, the weight increased to over 5 million lbs.!

I attempted a fix by converting the units of the largest assemblies to lbs., but then the weight of the assemblies went to zero (!). Meanwhile, the overall assembly still weighs 5 million pounds.

All of these supplier assemblies make up one assembly. I manipulated the weight of that assembly to make it roughly equal to its real life value, but it made no difference, once again, to the 5 million pounds problem.

Any clues?
To view in which units parts are, go to Edit > Setup > Units, now you'll see that that units are custom, but under description you can read what that custom units are.

Second, in those parts/asm from your supplier, go to Edit > Setup > Mass Props and generate report, now you'll see what units are, and in which unit density is.

If your suppliers parts/asm fits with dimensions (ie if some bearing fits to shaft), then dimensions of parts are correct, you only need to change density, to achieve good mass properties.

Hope it helps
i would suggest you to make a mapkey for converting unit and run this mapkey on every parts and assembly. (i hope it won't be that time consuming) then it seems you will get desired weight. (if density is notassigned to parts you can add this operation to the mapkey as well........ just make one mapkey that will assign density, write relation and convert the unit... it works i have tried it lot of time in my last company)
Edited by: sanjeevkar1
If you go to Edit > Setup > Units then click on the Info button and it will tell you what all of the units are for that assembly/part. You would need to do this for all of the parts however. If it is a large assembly it will take some time to go back and change all of the densities so like mentioned above, you will want to create a temporary mapkey to take care of the bulk of the mouse picks!


Edited by: tbutler
Thanks everyone. I guess the real difficulty is that there are hundreds of distinct parts within these assemblies. As usual, I'm pressed for time and looking for an easy out, something like "just push the magic button and all your problems are solved"

Apparently, what it boils down to is, there is no shortcut. I need to convert the units on all of these parts (hundreds of them), then introduce the density, run the analysis, introduce the weight parameter, etc. I have a mapkey for introducing density and calculating the weight; I'll have to make a new one that converts the units.

Thanks again. I'd better go - I have a lot of work to do!

