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weird occorance on the job board


New member
I'm totally perplexed. we have one Burton Helmet design engineer Job post on the design engine a job board that is just getting pounded. It's gotten over 1200 clicks every day.

If you look at the design engine jobs board most of the jobs have 20 to 30 page views per day. Sometimes we get jobs with 200+ per day but that's usually on Monday.

This Burton job is clearing 1200 tho. Crazy. Can anyone explain this to me?And it's not because I'm posting it here. It's 1:00PM in Chicago Saturday and if you look at the bottom right at 'popular jobs today' you see its' almost at 800 clicks already. I am in charge of marketing this job board so I would like to know what is happening here so I could do it more. Problem is I think it's just Burton is cool and everyone wants to work there.hummm

For what it's worth we did teach a Maya class there last year and they expressed frustration with SolidWorks Surfacing and wished they used Pro/ENGINEER.
Edited by: design-engine
Mr. Bart Brejcha,

Request you to STOP posting your personal advertisements on the forum. Members do not care what happens in Design Engine. At least I do not care. Of late you have been posting many such spam messages. I am forced to bring this to your notice. You are a member of the moderators group and hence we the ordinary members would expect much more maturity and restraint exercised.

I would have loved to send this as a PM, but then the PM is not working.

I value this forum very much and would like it to continue its sanctity and sanity.

Please introspect.
Sorry SRINI,I disagree

I am allways curious what (how) other markets are doing. In Design-Engines defense this was posted in Rant & Rave you get what your going to get when you open that "bag".........GO BART!

Edited by: Captain Kirk
neither one you mention why it could be getting so many clicks. It got almost 5k today alone. I bet it's some sort of bot. It's really got me.

I posted the question here because there are a bunch of smart folks here and I'm truly perplexed.
Edited by: design-engine
I think partialy solution for issue discussed by Srini is to launch extra directory here at Pro/E Mcad named simply Job/Work adv/and so forth, for such kind of stuff.

Then there is up to particular member to take attention/or not, to Bart`s problem with so many visits on DE page.

Frankly speaking - I do appreciate Bart`s effrot to share with us really
intresting job opportunities(even if I really can not take advantage of
them), and I want him to continue this attitude.

I do also understand Srini, to stick with subject of topics strictly
related to this forum, find another solution for discussion not related
directly to Pro/E.
the PTC exploder has a spot for NETWORK or networking.It's not nessesarily a problem that the Burton Snowboard helmet design engineer job is getting so many clicks. I just don't understand why. It must be related to Twitter. I believe it's not a human clicking on it... its a BOT of some sort.

We stopped most of the BOTS on this forum by requiring the CAPTCHA
if DE`s IT admin failed to solve this and you`re searching for the
solution on CAD related forum I would say I failed to understand the
whole thing, really.

