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Weldment (Solidworks)


New member
I amlearning how to use the weldment feature in SolidWorks 2006 SPO and am not really sure about it.Please let me know:

1. In assembly feature, for example: I have 02 plates which are too long, wide. After mate them together perpendiculer, I want createtheIntermittentweldment but I can notcarry out.

2. Inpart feature, for example: I have 02 segments of shaft, they are the same diameter. Afterchamfer them, I want createtheweldment but I also can notcarry out.

These problems are very simple if use software ofAutodesk Inventor.

Thanks a lot

Mr. Phuoc,

To the best of myknowledge, you cannot do an intermittent weld in SolidWorks assemblies. I have tried it before. Even making a split line on the part before assembling it doesn't help. If you want to make an intermittent weld, use the weldment function as a part.

-Open a new part
-click the "Weldment" feature
-make the parts in the position and relations that you want them to be in
-add weld beads

I'm oversimplifying it here, but you get the idea.

SolidWorks Weldment

Dear Phuoc,

Please see this book will help your problems.

I amlearning how to use the weldment feature in SolidWorks 2006 SPO and am not really sure about it.Please let me know:

1. In assembly feature, for example: I have 02 plates which are too long, wide. After mate them together perpendiculer, I want createtheIntermittentweldment but I can notcarry out.

2. Inpart feature, for example: I have 02 segments of shaft, they are the same diameter. Afterchamfer them, I want createtheweldment but I also can notcarry out.

These problems are very simple if use software ofAutodesk Inventor.

Thanks a lot


