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WF4 Crashes-at the worst time!


New member
Grrrr, here goes: I'm finding that my WF4 M010 installation crashes and closes down. Not a lot, but much more than the 1st build I had. It may have nothing to do with the build and more with the type of work I'm doing now, who knows.

Here is the very sad part: It happens while I have all my drawings open and while I'm renaming parts!!!!! When it happened last week, I was able to track the original part names and rename them back to be able to open my drawings again.

Today I wasnt as lucky. After crashing while having my drawings open and renaming parts, I thought it would be easier to just delete the parts saved today and work with yesterday's files. (In the past I had no problems doing this manually) Naughty naughty of me. When trying to open my assemblies there are many reference problems, typical as if parts were renamed! Now how on earth did my crash today affect yesterday's files?

Anyway, I'm just redoing the work on a backup directory from yesterday to at least save my models.

Bottom line: I dont think its the part renaming as such that causes the crash. It happens on different commands such as placing a note from a file, changing a part parameter or whatever.

How stable are you guys finding the latest WF4 build?
pro_eek said:
How stable are you guys finding the latest WF4 build?

Not very unfortunately. Saw a lot of crashes on M010. Didn't see hardly any on M030. Just upped to M040 last week, didn't see any until today - 2 so far. In fact, it just crashed on me while I was reading your post.
Ya I do get crashes. A rule I fallow is: Don't have many pro-e windows/files open at the same time.Half of the crashes I experience are from this I believe. I keep mine ataround 5windows.

