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WF4 crashes when opening drawing


New member
I've finished an assembly with a number of parts and completed drawings for it, all fine. After opening it again (PC was shut down, so memory was cleared) a few hours later, I cant open any drawings. I can open the assembly, but when opening any saved drawing, Pro/E crashes. WF4 build M070

I then manually removed all part, assembly and drawing version files up to a point where I knew things worked, but the same happens.

Any ideas?
I would then try creating some new simple drawings
varying a few things: size of drawing (content, not
physical size) what format is applied, what dtl is
applied. Try to narrow down the issue. Have you tried
on a different build of WF4.0?
OK my reseller gave me a fix. If you delete all .xpr files in the working directory, you can open the drawing again! He cant explain why it used to crash and what .xpr files has to do with it.

Anyone knows what .xpr files does?
We had the same started happening shortly after upgrading from WF 3.0 to 4.0. Our assumption was that for some reason the xpr filesthat were created in WF 3.0 were not compatible with WF 4.0. Just another glitch, I guess. I thought that Pro/E was supposed to be more stable when you upgrade?!?
I would try turning off shaded views in the assembly, then open the drawing. Although I have an NVidia Quadro card, sometimes Pro will crash when adding a view or opening a drawing with shading on. It is worth a try.


