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What am I missing? Creo 2.0


New member

really, really simple operation but it's not working properly. am I missing something simple?

when I started messing around with Creo 2.0, I just made a very simple shape. a box to be precise.

i then added a protrusion on one of the faces of the box. I wanted to add a round to the intersection between the new protrusion and the base box feature. when i added this round, the round curled under the new protrusion rather than away from it.

after I sectioned the part, I notice that it's not solid. it's hollow. i should clarify that this is when I created an actual cross section. if I use dynamic cross section, the part appears solid. only when I use a named cross section does it appear hollow although adding more features and trying to radius the corners presents the same problems.

after a bit more experimentation, I extruded a simple cylinder. no other features in my model. if I section it, it's hollow. the option to extrude as solid is selected so what's the deal?

here's an image showing a dynamic cross section. although the body of the part is solid, the capped end seems to be
showing a surface. I hid the surfaces layer so that's not the problem.

View attachment 5685

and here's one showing a created cross section.

View attachment 5686

Edited by: michaelpaul

not sure what happened but I was trying to recreate the issue for a co-worker and everything worked just fine. still curious what was going on so if anybody has an idea let me know.

dross said:
Looks like you created it as surfaces rather than solids.

i agree. that's what it looked like. but

A) I edited the definition several times to make sure that i was extruding as a solid and
B) I hid the surface layer and the features remained visible.

I then went on to create an actual surface which was hidden on the surface layer so there was something else going on.
creating a surface instead of a solid is easy to do esp for beginners and esp in Wildfire / creo

you need to make sure your sketch is shaded. Notice you can switch between solid and surface.

I was asking to be able to do that in Pro/E since 1993 Now Solidworks runs like Pro/E in 1993 ;)
Edited by: design-engine
design-engine said:
creating a surface instead of a solid is easy to do esp for beginners and esp in Wildfire / creo

i started with Pro-E on my SGI indigo back in '99. took a break for a few years when I used SW in the early 2000's and have been back on Pro-E exclusively since 2006.

I don't claim to be an expert but the first thing I did was verify that my extrudes were solid and not surfaces. they were not surfaces.

since this issue, I have not had it occur again so while a bit troubling, so far seems to be just one of those things.
michaelpaul, I have run into a similiar problem with WF4. It doesn't do it all the time. I think its just a graphics bug.
I came across something similar in WF 4 with one of our co-op students. I can't remember the specifics, but I believe something was not fully defined in the model. When I shifted the cross section to the left or right of the desired section plane (+ or - .001), the section showed as a solid versus the surfaced appearance when the section was through the desired plane. To correct the issue, I had to re-define the model itself and correct an error there.
I had the same problem while trying to create sections. It would work in one direction and then when I tried one normal to that I ended up with a "hollow" part, I think one was more like a wireframe (while I was in shaded mode). Assumed it was a graphics bug...Let me know if anyone has figured it out.
Really likely to be a graphic bug, got the problem today
sometime sectionned part shows solid and then hollow :s
I've done it by accident before. In Creo notice when in sketch mode the sketch is by default shaded when it is fully closed. If the sketch is not a closed loop, then when extruded it has to be a surface. The other two options are 'solid' and 'solid cut'
@manu, there's an option to show the model as hollow or solid in the dashboard when creating a section, have you tried that?
I have had the same problem, typically if I edit one of the parts while showing the cross section.

Fix: Go to Edit definition of cross section. Try unchecking and checking the peice of cake button to the right ("Cap the surface of the cross section"). Try turning "preview with clipping" off and on. I think one of these could help. As a last option close creo and reenter.
So I know this is not proper procedure but I don't know where else to turn. I'm hoping to get a moderator's attention. I've been a member of this forum for over three years and have never posted a new thread. I've posted plenty of replies. I have a problem and would like to post a new thread and I see that I don't have permission to do this. I've tried to send messages about this and they seem to go through but I get no response.


