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What Data Managment Software ?


New member
Well I am in need of some information on Data managment software. I'm tired of having to dothings twice because ofcomplicated multi-person saving procedures.Here is our situation.

We are a small engineering department (2 licences), however we have some big projects on the go, all the time. We most often work out of the same total layout, always having to be on the lookout for each other. Since if two people have the same part or assembly open at the same time, that second person will overwrite the first persons latest changes, or vis-versa.

I'm not looking for anything too fancy, something as simple as autoCAD's system would do. Somekind of notification that someone is using and the option to open read only (if it exists). Idealy I would like something that would keep track of the latest file on both computers. I would like information on any PTC or third party software that would help me with this.

I'm very new at this, however I have taken a look at Pro/Intralink but it seems there are a lot of features I don't need, and it seems Expencive.

Anyone with any Feedback or experience, with any software that works with Pro/E Wildfire 2, please feel free to post or send me an email. Any help at all is greatly appreciated.

Thank You
We use Intralink and this is really a good system.

Perhaps you can do something without any pdm systerm. If you split the project in to folders. User1 and user2. In folder user1 only user1 can write but user2 can only read. The opposit in folder user2.

We also use Intralink since 5 years. Good system, sure, but too expensive for the things you want to do.

I'll try a little DesignDataManager andI think you have to go in this way.

jnoval said:
We use Intralink and this is really a good system.

Perhaps you can do something without any pdm systerm. If you split the project in to folders. User1 and user2. In folder user1 only user1 can write but user2 can only read. The opposit in folder user2.

Unfortunatly we most often work on the same assemlies inside a layout...and spliting in folder is way too time consuming.


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