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Hiii there

I have a fairly simple prob i wanna know wat is skeleton and wats its use if u could plz explain me wid an example iwould be gr8ful 2 u

A skeleton is a special part where you can place all of your
references, to avoid external references to features in other parts or
asms. They typically contain things like planes, curves, and
other "referencing non-geometry".

For instance, say you have two parts in an assembly, and one needs to
reference the other to place a cut feature. Rather than creating
an assembly feature, you can safely create the cut feature in the part
itself, by using a skeleton to reference the the other part.

You do this by a "pub geom" feature, which publishes geometry from a
part for use in another. You can then create a "copy geom"
feature, which copies geometry from a pub geom feature.

So, in your asm, you will have both of the parts, but you will also
create a skeleton part, which will reside at the highest level of the
asm, always. The skeleton can house all of your references, which
are always available to the parts below it. The only caveat is,
the skeleton needs to be in session when opening the parts referencing

Those references are promulgated down to other parts or sub-asms.
This is basically Pro/E's implementation of Top Down Design. You
should google phrases like "Top Down Design ptc pro/e" or similar.

I also know of a few tutorials, and of course this site is a great place for resources.

Here are a couple links:

[url] 24688[/url]<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Anyone reading this, if I seem to be off base, please correct me.


Sounds good to me Jim,

Just want to point out that Skeleton Models can not be created without the Advanced assembly module. This comes with either the Flex Advantage or the Flex3C packages. If you only have ProE with Foundation Advantage package, you will be unable to create skeleton models.

Yes, that is correct. I also think it comes if you have Pro/Notebook or Pro/Layout.

We have a really old licensing scheme that has all of these options
seperate. We bought into Pro/E a long time ago and have not yet
"modernized" our licensing.

I run the student version at home of wf2 which i obtainedjust b4i finished my degree. I can create skeletons but due to the fact i dont have notebook or layout i'm struggling any suggestions I looking to model a caravan/motorhome for my first top- down project (depending on whether or not work will let me have an accurate model of a fiat cab)


Paul Cunningham

If you can create skeletons, check if you can also do layouts. I
am not sure if you need Notebook or Layout anymore, as I think the
licensing has been updated since we bought into Pro/E. If you can
do layouts and skeletons, I think you will be okay with using Top Down

Basically, layouts are used to visually layout your models. We
don't use them here, as we use text files to regenerate the
models. Even if you don't have layouts, skeletons will allow you
to propogate common references throughout your design, ensuring
consistency and minmizing external references.

Jim is correct,

Layouts are just extra "bells and whistles", nice ones, but not needed for Top Down Design. I cannot use my companys work here, but a good example would be an automobile or motorcycle. Tire placement (wheelbase), engine placement, interior configuration. This can be as simple or as complex as you want.

Here is a picture of a skeleton model for building a motorcycle from

He builds custom motorcycles using his own ProE designs, based in the Netherlands.

View attachment 1337

The website gives a brief description similar to what Jim stated inthe first reply.
That site is way cool. I ride an H-D, but these bikes looks pretty
wild. Are these actually bikes he has built? Or are they concepts?


I would like to say all, but I don't know, most of them would be more correct.

If you follow the CAD-BIKE link to Tim Cameron, or better yet.

... and go to his "latest news" link, you will see a futuristike trike that he designed and was actually made (photos). 400 HP small block powered.

I don't know if Tim uses ProE like Mark, but the designs are very innovating.

I'm a big H-D fan myself, but seeing as I've yet to own one, I'll probably end up like the old man narrating the H-D commercial from his front porch!
Reminds me of a Boss Hoss. A little more sporty thought, but small block powered all the same.

As for the H-D, I have an '05 Sportster. I have yet to graduate
to Big Twin level ($$$), but I got my eye on a Deuce. My wife has
her license, so once I get the cash, the Sporty is hers.

Sportsters are nice bikes, especially when learning. I got a
1200, but you can pick up an 883 for around $6500 or so. And that
is new.

No time like the present to live your dreams. You only got one shot on this rock. Might as well enjoy it.

Well, to avoid turning the Mcad forum into a motorcycle forum, you all have a great day,

Thanks for your replies ncprog and conrat any idea where i can get a good tutorial on this subject for wf2 I dont have active maintenence! and have literally spent days searching the net for one!

Any help would be as always greatly appreciated


I got a really good top down design guide, which I would send you, but
it is in PDF format and the system does not allow sending those.
Unfortunately, my IT department blocks ZIP files, so I can't upload it.

Send me an email through the system with your email address and I can email it to you.

btw - I think it is for release 2000i, but should still be helpful.


Edited by: conrat

