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When dimensioning a drawing......


New member
if I want to dim between two entities, I just pick each entity then pick where I want the dimension to go and it gets done.

when dimensioning between an entity and an intersection, I simply pick an entity, then I change the selector to intersection where I must pick one entity first, then CTRL click the second entity to determine the intersection. then business as usual.

when dimensioning between two intersections, just click CTRL click to get first point, repeat for second point and done. no issues

my issue is when I want to dimension two entities but I'm stuck in intersection mode. if I just go pick pick why can't the software infer I want to go entity to entity and if I go click, CTRL click why can't it infer I want in intersection? I don't know how much time I waste picking my freaking entities only to realize later that I was stuck in intersection mode when I wanted regular entity mode.

same thing for a radius or diameter dimension when stuck in intersection mode. if I click a circle then click the field of the drawing, the only possible thing I could want is a radius dimension. yet if in intersection mode, creo just says Eff You and you then have to go to entity select, click the circle, then the field of the drawing to create the dimension. if double clicking to pick a circle, there's only one possible thing you want to do with that curve yet if your selector is on intersection then you can't create the dimension until you go pick entity then do it all over again.

it's been 7 years since I used SW but i don't recall dimensioning being that painful back then and I'm sure it's only been improved since.
This is exactly the type of improvements that new releases should address. I've wondered exactly the same thing for as long as I can remember. Instead of making improvements, new releases seem to just change things so they are different, and often more time consuming. They have no clue how much productivity they are destroying. I'm still on WF3 and have no intention of upgrading until I have to - and then I'll make the change kicking and screaming.

