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when using a saved sketch in a new sketch, why does Creo scale it upon import?


New member

I saved a section to use because I had to create multiple features using the same geometry and I didn't want to copy the geometry nor did I want to recreate the sketch each time. that's what the save section and use section functions are for anyway.

I don't do this too often because we don't have a lot of repetitive features but every once in a while it comes in handy.

today I was working on the same part. I created my first feature and saved the section during its creation.

I had to use the same section three more times so I hit the use section (it's named something different now in Creo 2.0 vs. WF but it acts the same) icon and my section came up. you can then move and rotate it to place it. the first time, I didn't notice but when I brought the section in the second time it was scaled at some random scale of .5463 of the original size. the third time, it was scaled at a totally different seemingly random scale value. when I went back to look at the first section I brought in, it was scaled at about .98 or so of original so I wouldn't have noticed had it not been so obvious on the other sections.

Why in the **** (rhymes with bell or puck, take your pick) does the section come in scaled at all, why does it come in with different scale factors when bringing it into the same part, and why does it come in using a seemingly random scale factor with four significant figures at all?

logically, shouldn't it bring in the section at a scale factor of one and then actually let the user choose to scale it if that is what the desired result is? i'd have to say that if anybody saves sections for later use, 90% of the time they're going to use the section as-is and not ever want to scale or change any dimensions on it yet PTC apparently thinks that every section should be scaled some random amount!

Did you notice that there is a scale option both on the ribbon and on a corner of the sketch when you import it? the one next to sketch didn't update the scale for me until i hit middle mouse button.but it works fine, just set it to 1. and that origin locator is so cool, you can move it by RMB dragging, snaps to vertices. but yeah, it should be by default set to 1.
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I guess it does have something in common with Zoom, but what I noticed the problem won`t be solved by simple keeping the same zoom as while creation of base sketcher. So, yeah, you are up to change scale almost every time.
It's a feature, not a bug! Seriously, I don't know why it doesn't default to one. I don't know of any config option to control it. It's been like this as long as I can remember, nothing new.
It's a feature, not a bug! Seriously, I don't know why it doesn't default to one. I don't know of any config option to control it. It's been like this as long as I can remember, nothing new.

I know it's been like this forever. I just never really noticed it or for whatever reason it didn't seem to bother me before. just one more reason why I learn every day that PTC software is purely logical and much like Apple software and products, it works the way it works because that's the right way and if I have a problem with it it's because I'm doing something wrong!

