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when zip gap don’t work


New member
Hi Guys,

What can I do when Zip gaps in heal geo does not Work?

I mean I healed everything I could either with auto-select and manually, but someedges won't stitch toghrther. I tried changingaccuracy and moving vertex...any otheridea?


Create a curve/curves on the surface(COS) whereyou are facing the problem.makesure that the curve/curves touch the edge of the adjacent surface (create as many curves required to capture the profile)and delete the surface.create the Boundary blent using the curves you have created as the intermediate curves.

I know that this is a tedious process but I have done it many times coz it is easy than creating the whole model again.


Deepak Bhat
Thanks Deepak

does this mean I have to remake the surface with boundary blend using an "adjusted" profile? If yesthat's what I would leaveas thelast option.

Anyway thanks and I'll do it if nothing else is available.

In some cases, you will find that the same edge on one surface has one entity, the adjacent surface has 2 or more entities. This causes the problem because there are no "gaps" to zip, only a mismatch in surface definitions.

You can repair the surfaces manually, and instead of moving vertexes, select "boundary". Now select one of the surfaces that has the edge inquestion and delete the boundary edge(s) that won't connect. Now "create" a "projection" from the adjacent surfaces. Then "combine" them with whatever is left that you didn't delete. You now may have to also repair that same edge on the adjacent surfaces by using the same technique.
Appinmi GREAT!!
I used your technique and it works! Thanks a lot!!
I spoke too early

That technique works but not always (at least for me). I attach the .prt file so maybe you can help me to "close " the part so I can make a solid. Thanks for any help or hint you can give me .P.S.( I cut the part to make a smaller file)
I am only using Wildfire 1, so I cannot open your file. From looking at your jpeg, you might try redifing surface 1 boundary, using edge from surface 2. Then redefine surface 2 boundary using the new edge drom surface 1. Sometimes you have to go back and forth a couple of times to get it to work. You might also try to move the vertexes, then redefine the boundaries.

If you can make a "step" or "iges" file, I can take a look at it for you.
A funny thing hppened, I was saving the igs for you, I opened it to check what was the result of the conversion and.....magic! the bad edges disappeard!! there are 2 new bad edges but the "old " ones are gone!! .So I cannot send you that file because is different from the original one!

I guess it's something related to accuracy....right??
You should of tried changing the accuracy, either tighter or looser, before giving up on "zip gaps". I thought that you had already done that, sorry. Only if that doesn't work do I go and redefine the boundaries.

You could try sending the original import, if you still need help. If you don't want to put it here on MCAD, "PM" me and I will give you my home email.
There is a whole bunch
undocumented tools inside IGES Edit Definition. The reason why
Zip gaps
works or does not work can vary widely upon the data and what has to
give in
order for Pro/E to accept the merging/zipping. You can force
tangency, push and pull on interior cv's of a surface, remove surfaces,
add four part boundaries and the list goes on. It is unlike
anything you have seen all inside that one feature. It is really
quite amazing what you can do inside a 'edit definition' of an IGES
file. 'don't let your industrial designers see all that functionality
they might get pissed'.

The bottom line is that you can take many different paths in order to get the surfaces to solidify
assuming that is your goal. For example if in one effort you tried
the manual zip gaps and there is stills some pink surfaces (the gap is too big
for your tolerance to zip it tight) then you always have the option to remove
the surface completely and rebuild it inside that IGES redefine or outside
using Pro/SURFACE. Then you can decide better where the compromise is for
zipping because that is all that happens when you do an automatic zip.

Edited by: design-engine
Mr. Brejcha,

I have tried using redefinition of imported geometry in WFII but it seems restricted compared to 2001 or earlier. I cant access 2001 now, but for instance if there are spurious or un-necessary items which you want to delete, is this option moved, changedor taken out?

you might be missing the fact that the top menu structure has pull
downs that pertain to the IGES geometry. Explore those pull
downs. Just because there are three buttons on the right. The new IGES functions have more options than ever.

You will be surprised.

ilmegor: I want to work in Italy!

Edited by: design-engine

