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Where are the PTC Jlink Libraries?


New member
I'm trying to ramp up on Jlink but where are the libraries or classes so that I can import them into my programing environment? Do I have to download them from somewhere? Or are they already located on my HD from the default installation of ProE? Thanks.


import com.ptc.cipjava.*;
import com.ptc.pfc.pfcSession.*;
import com.ptc.pfc.pfcGlobal.*;
import com.ptc.pfc.pfcCommand.*;

Where are these classes so that I can import them into my code?

Edited by: fiebigc
dear friend,

<Pro/ENGINEER>/text/java/pfc.jar for Synchronous J-Link Program


<Pro/ENGINEER>/text/java/pfcasync.jar for Asynchronous J-Link Program

Ajoy Varghese Mathew
Thank you very much. The Jlink user guide is 528 pages long and if fails to mention this, seems pretty important to me.
My suggestion is that you should use netbeans IDE for working with J/Link otherwise you may face some problems .

Ajoy Varghese Mathew

Edited by: ajoy

