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Where did ther Select-by-menu option go??


New member
Hi there,

I'm just getting aquainted with wildfire. One thing I've notice is the select by menu option has dissappeared. I've heard that it can be turn back on somwhere but im not sure where that setting is located. Can anyone help me??

I think it has been replaced by the binocular icon (Search for, filter & select items in the model by rule(s)) which is so powerful and complicated that I have no idea how to use it so it is worthless. I'd like to have select by menu back too, even though it didn't always work very well.
If I'm in Setup/Geom Tol/Set Datum nothing comes up on the RMB. However, Ctrl-F does bring up the search tool correctly configured to find datum planes and axis. So a gold star to paltsten for his tip.

