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Where is ’select by menu’ in WF2


New member

what happened to the 'dreamy' 'select by menu' command in WF2.

we started using WF2 today, and to my dismay, it seems to have disappeared

if it has gone, what else are you guys doing?

best regards

you use the binoculars icon on the main toolbar to search through datum planes, axes, points etc

Hope this helps

You can also use the "pick from list" function if you hold the right mouse button down over the component you're trying to find, and it should be listed there. The find command I've found is hard to use because you search for a feature that you know is there, and you need to have exactly the right picks checked off or else it doesn't work... and then when you think you got it after ten minutes of picking, and it doesn't show up, that's about when the monitor goes out the window...



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