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Which approach on this (easy) part


New member

i have to model this part. Not too bad for sure. Just that I don't see how to do
the back of this part. I don't want anyone to do the part for me, I just would
like to know how you would approach it ? Which technique?


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Edited by: lvll1988
i am fine with the cylindrical portions, but the back part, I wanted to sketch
a circle of D43 and do for 3 points arc cut. But it wasn't the right thing to do
use a circle, d43, in your sketch for the extrusion to control overall od, and sketch the whole section to extrude.
I would just do one extrude for the back and use contraints, construction objects, and trimmingso you only have one feature for the back area (makes things cleaner in model tree). Maybe add a round later or include them in your extrude for the rounded edges. So it seems you extruded a circle and then 4 arcs into it? You can do all that in the section of the first extrude. Both ways work, maybe the person who gave you the task wants it a certain way.
First draw the outer circle then draw a horizontal line with length of 1 at the top of the circle in the direction to the left, at the left draw a vertical line toward up with length of 1 then connect the end of the tow lines with 3 point arc then give this arc a radius of 20. then Mirror this horizontally and vertically.
View attachment 4914
OK thanks for the ideas. I did one quarter of the part and
mirrored it. Appeared that the edge on the top are 2mm from
the axis, not 2mm total (1mm axis).
Thanks all,
I would create the part as 1 revolve. Then cut 1 quarter in the back part out, and pattern it around the center axis, and then I would add all the rounds

Edited by: mstols


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