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Which round is better?


New member

I am working on a model which has pattern of small rectangular cuts and iam ginving rounds to the vertical and horizontal edges. My doubt is which round will be taking less time while regenaration , whether "tangent chain" or "indent chain"?

I have attached Jpeg of that model. Please give your comments on that.View attachment 2438
I cant see much difference between the two for regeneration. You also might want to add the rounds before the pattern of the squares and pattern the group instead. That will pattern everything and skip having to round everything.

These cuts are not made by pattern. First we made a rectangular block and then made a single row and column of Protrusion. Then these are patterned. If this is the case then which method of round to be used, that will take less regenaration time?

thank u...
I think there is a PTC express article on using surface patterns to
speed up regeneration time. I've just had a quick look and can't find
it, but it should be there somewhere.
Hi all...

Thank you for your responce..and for Link of tutorial..

Mr. mechstudent3that trick worked well with ProE Wildfire, But we Use ProE 2001 officially. So the grouping of Copy surface and Patch can not be patterned (that too with fill option is not possible). I tried with Copy-move command also but no result. Any solution for that in ProE2001?

Thanking you......
in Pro\e 2001 You just use options Surface > Transform>copy, not common Copy, that is the trick

