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while I’m thinking about curvature...


New member
Does anyone have a rationale for why I cannot make one
spline C2 to another?

I would never create two spline entities in the same
sketch, but often I will select a curve as a reference, and
unless that curve is a line or an arc I am unable to make a
new spline C2 to the reference.

This has always sort of blow up my spot when trying to make
guide curves.
the reason is that they want you to buy ISDX, if you could do that inside sketcher,then no one would buy way of doing this, is to create planar splines using the datum curve tool which allows curvature continuity to all entities(other curves,faces). but again you have to come out of the sketch.
other big guys like CATIA can't do it either. CATIA sketcher splines doesn't even have control polygon. just too heavy to move...

Edited by: solidworm
Good point.

i do end up using the datum curve and selecting curvature,
but still not quite as flexible.

I actually have ISDX but try to avoid it... so it goes.
You can make the Radius-of-Curvature the same for both splines. But it doesn't make it C2.

