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why must I update???


New member
Why is it that when I am creating an exploded state in the assembly I must remember not to just close the view manager window but I must first remember to go back to <list> and then right click on the exploded state I just modified and select <update> for my changes to take effect on my drawing?

why can't close just update the freaking thing for me? yet another case where the PTC software engineers who graduated from Rube Goldberg University decided to make something simple complex!@##$%^


Edited by: michaelpaul
I hate that too. When I have not created or edited an explode state for some time, the first time or two I always forget that. Maybe a good inhancement request. Possibly a prompt to save if leaving the view manager with the state not saved.
I should encourage you guys to sit on a technical committee.It is the best way to make a difference next to posting your issues here.

I hate how in RSD you have to always select from block to wiring diagram when placing a saved symbol.

or in explode state ... you got to save the explode state. who would think or remember to do that?
Don't get me started.

It's stupid, and why use the ambiguous word 'update' when 'save' is really what you want to do?
And why is the command buried in a RMB menu?
And why not prompt to save if things have changed and aren't saved?
And why, in the view manager, does MMB create a new item rather than close the window like MMB does in so many other functions?
And why , when editing a view state, if you select a component in the view manager window and hit delete, does the component get sompletely deleted from the asssy instead of only the view state?

Pro|E is riddled with this stuff.

You shouldn't ask questions like this with Pro|E, you'll be permanently
frustrated and prematurely bald. Or at least that's what I'm blaming
it on.

Bart -

Here's the problem with the technical committees. PTC wants you to come to them and contribute your ideas to improve their product, but you have to pay for the privilege. They expect you to go to the conference every year ($900 + travel & hotel) and to go to the PTC offices in MA every year on your own dime.

I got tired of ranting in cyberspace with no real impact, so I pursued getting on a TC. I was offered a spot, but when I spoke to management about spending ~$2,500 cash plus loosing a week or so of my billings every year, they rightfully wondered what they would get for it.

The other problem is that they don't have a TC for general usability issues like this. Each TC handles their own usability. No one is watching over the whole and deciding how similar things will be handled.

See, you don't want to get me started.
as for paying for the privilege... just force yourself the stress for creating a white paper each year... then your in free. We both have a lot to say and share plus that stress is good for you.

Secondly for usability ... there should be a new committee for usability to compete with saladworks.... solid works needs the same too. Ill bring that up at the next technical committee and get credit for that one! thanks.

thirdly, even tho everyone on the surfacing technical committee already took my surfacing week long.... i still managed to learn something while sitting quiet and listing. i strongly recommend it... participating in the technical committee or two.

and since your going to be presenting this year there is no excuse. I got my airfare already and plan on getting sun burned. too bad my new race bike will be delivered while Im in Orlando... I scheduled myself both weekends for R&R too.
Edited by: design-engine
I'm not presenting this year. Still kicking myself for letting the deadline pass without submitting. Oh well, next year.

I agree that there should be a usability TC, in fact, there already is one called 'Usability'. But it's focused on something else, I can't recall what, but not overall software usability. That was the one I tried to join initially, but was told it wasn't the place for what I want to contribute.

I asked which one should I join if I want to talk about overall interface and usability issues and consistency? It took a while to get an answer. Then, once I got approval it got nixed by management.

Elaborate on the white paper idea for me. You're saying if you write a white paper, PTC pays your way to MA each year? What does that entail? Email me if you'd rather, this is a little off topic.
Ah! I thought it was something related to being a part of a TC as opposed to the PTC|user conference.

