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why use internal Curve?

I think it's just a matter of preference, reduces features in the model tree.

Use of datum sketch features for extrusions, etc. was not introduced until WF2 (?).
because the external sketch (curve) is most useful. For instance it is open and you can use it for extrude or revolve or sweep. Another advantage is you can use thin or thick option as well as add or remove material after the sketch.


Thank you very much


See you again


I tend to start the feature creation first, then create the sketch
mid-feature. This groups the sketch with the feature which keeps the model tree
tidy, and retains the flexibility of a external sketch. However, it makes the
re-define process slightly longer, so I am starting to question the usefulness
of the technique.

I'd be interested to hear people
I used other systems that had a sketch then feature paradigm, learned Pro/E with WF and had to get used to internal sketches, then with WF2 went back to, mostly, using a sketch then feature work flow except for simple block extrusions, etc. Partly it's just what I'm used to but you do have more flexibility that way, too (parallelling dependancy chains; aka "horizontal modeling" is one aspect). Part of it might be because I often use a lot of sketch geometry to "layout". I use Groups to keep the model tree under control.

I still have trouble with VSS. I layout the section to set up trajectories then have to recreate the section internally. I understand why it's that way, but ... Oh well, can't have it all.
I have a definate preference for internal sketches, particularly for revolved features. Partly is is just habit as I've been using Pro/E since forever and you did not have any other option except datum curves in the past. But the big difference to me is the greatly improved drawing flexibility with internal sketches. If I have a revolved feature, there are an infinite number of view orientations where I can show the dimensions of an internal sketch but only 2 (front & back of the sketching plane) for an external sketch.

