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why use replace option


New member
why use replace option ? (i know what is replace
option)without deleteing the part. any one can help me.
In what context? Replace refs in sketcher? replace
entities in sketcher? Replace components in assembly?
In my presentations I like to just delete the sketch feature w/o using the replace functions and teach people how to manage the failing.

Hey 'dross' you got any Wera race videos on youtube? do share. I raced Robeling road and Road Atlanta last month for the first time.
Seems most of the videos have been lost, buddy's server is no more...

Edited by: dross
I thought this thread was about the replace option, not
motorcycle racing.
While I like motorcycle racing (been to Road Atlanta &
Daytona several times), I clicked here to see answers about
Well, race-engine hijacked it but there was never a properly formulated question or any useful replies so little lost.
Sticking to the original post, I believe you refer to
replacing components in an assembly without deleting it.
When you delete the component in the assembly, there
be many more components which reference the geometry of
the component you wish to replace. The replace command is
useful when you wish to replace a part that belongs to a
family table. e.g M8x 10 bolt replaced by M8 x 12 bolt or
M10 x 12 bolt.
A replace command ensures that the "REFERENCES are
Associated" with the replace, thus preventing a collapse.

Trust I have clarified.

