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Wildfire 2.0 M280 freezing


New member
Hey guys, we upgraded recently to M280 when I got a new 64 bit pc. Since then Wildfire has started to "freeze" for a period of time whenever I open a part, assembly or drawing, and also during modelling, assembly or drawing. It can be for a few seconds or minutes. The screen graphics freezes or just goes black on the Wildfire window, the rest of the pc is unaffected and useable. Occassionally it just crashes out completely. The size of the model does not seem to make a difference to how long it freezes for.

The processor sits idle and the memory usage isn't excessive, in all other respects Pro Eng is stupidly quick on the new box. The other two users on 32 bit machines have not reported an issue. My box is a Dell Precision T7500 with a Nvidia Quadro FX 4800 graphics card.

Any suggestions? I'm getting desperate...

I suspect a conflict between the mouse driver and video card. If you haven't already done so replace the mouse with a standard microsoft 3 button and use the default driver for that mouse. Test for hangs.


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