We are getting ready to switch to Wildfire 3 from Wildfire 2. I have been using it off and on to get ready for the switch. My question is, in W2, when you created a feature, protrusion or revolved feature, when you were done, you could go back and redefine that feature. When you right clicked and went to Edit Internal Sketch, the Sketch Placement Box would pop up and you could change your sketch plane and orientation etc. In W3 however, I have noticed that it takes you directly to the sketch when you click on Edit Internal Sketch. The only way I have been able to change the sketch plane or orientation is to reroute. Does anybody know if the Sketch Placement Dialog Box is a config.pro option? I did a find for Sketch in the options but nothing stood out. You get the dialog box when you first create the feature in W3, but after you are done, it does not pop up again. Reroute is a pain in comparison.
Edited by: Darraign
Edited by: Darraign