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Wildfire 3, SKetch Placement Dialog Box


New member
We are getting ready to switch to Wildfire 3 from Wildfire 2. I have been using it off and on to get ready for the switch. My question is, in W2, when you created a feature, protrusion or revolved feature, when you were done, you could go back and redefine that feature. When you right clicked and went to Edit Internal Sketch, the Sketch Placement Box would pop up and you could change your sketch plane and orientation etc. In W3 however, I have noticed that it takes you directly to the sketch when you click on Edit Internal Sketch. The only way I have been able to change the sketch plane or orientation is to reroute. Does anybody know if the Sketch Placement Dialog Box is a option? I did a find for Sketch in the options but nothing stood out. You get the dialog box when you first create the feature in W3, but after you are done, it does not pop up again. Reroute is a pain in comparison.

Edited by: Darraign
It has been changed to eliminate the number of picks to cancel any redefinition. When redefining, you now go right to the sketch. To change the sketch plane, on the top tool bar, select Sketch, Sketch Setup. This opens the dialog box that you are trying to find.
Sweet, I did know that. I just tried the Sketch, Sketch Setup. That works great. Thanks a bunch Allan
I hate when they move things around and do not tell you where they put them
You have to be in a Sketcher.

Go to Tools>Customize Screen, select the Commands tab and use the Sketch category. It is called Sketch Setup.

I tried going into sketch mode, redefining a feature and going into the sketch, and for some reason Pro will not let me add any commands from there, the Customize Screen is greyed out. I started a new "Sketch" and it let me access the customize screen, but I could not find that command. But thats ok, I will just create a mapkey and make one
Thanks for your help though.
This is a response to the Allan's idea of going to the Sketch, Sketch
Setup. I tried that this morning and found that they still have changed
the way it works. Before I could say flip and the sketch would flip to
the other side. With this way I am trying now, the part flips, not the
sketch. A better explanation would this. Before I could create a hole
on the Front plane and have it located upwards from the Top plane. In
Wildfire 2 I could go back into the placement box and say flip and the
hole would now be on the front plane still, but below the top plane.
With Wildfire 3, when you say flip, the part turns over so that the
hole is still located above the top plane, you are just looking at the
part differently while sketching. So, I guess the only way you can
actually flip the sketch is to reroute. Which sucks. It takes longer
and is more of a pain. I wish they would just fix things that do not
work and leave the things that do work well, alone.

Peter, I tried that already. The problem is I can get the Customize Screen to work then, however the Sketch Setup command is not listed anywhere. I even checked under All Commands and there is no Sketch anything. It goes from Shipbuilding... to Spline. Thanks though.
Darraign said:
In Wildfire 2 I could go back into the placement box and say flip and the hole would now be on the front plane still, but below the top plane. With Wildfire 3, when you say flip, the part turns over so that the hole is still located above the top plane, you are just looking at the part differently while sketching. So, I guess the only way you can actually flip the sketch is to reroute. Which sucks.

This has not changed - check your references again. The brown side of the datum is the default direction facing you unless you "Flip" the orientation, in which case black will face you. Also, the brown side for the Reference side corresponds to the orientation shown (e.g. 'Top' - brown side up, 'Right' - brown side facing right). Something you've referenced is preventing your sketch form reorienting.
mgnt8 This is the best I can explain it.

In Wildfire 2

View attachment 3125

In the above picture, I have created a revolve hole on the front plane above the top plane in the middle of the part. The top plane is facing up as the front plane is facing forward.

View attachment 3126

Now I hit flip and the hole will now be cut on the front plane but below the top plane. Planes are still facing same direction as before.

Now in Wildfire 3

View attachment 3127

This looks a little different but same setup except all created in Wildfire 3. In the picture above though, you are seeing it in sketch mode, because that is where you have to be to change placement.

View attachment 3128

Now when I hit flip, the model flips instead of the section. So the hole is still located on the top side of the Top Datum plane. There may be a setting somewhere but I cannot find it. Also, it was much easier to flip the hole in Wildfire 2 than it is now in Wildfire 3. Thanks for your help though. If you or anyone know of a setting that will fix this, please let me know.


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