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Wildfire 5 Training


New member

Soon we want to switch to wildfire 5 from Wildfire 4. Witch one is the best way o train designer with everithyting that is changed in Wildfire5:

- CADTrain

-PTC University

- I believe there are books with changes done in wildfire 5

- Ask software supplier to do a training for all designers


I would say that if you want to know WHAT the"feature updates" are , then you are on the right track with the alternativs you suggest, but if you want to knowwhat & WHEN to use the new stuff, the preferably a teacher/contractor that uses WF5 every day.

I think you can cover the most new things in a couple of hours. (talking about the basic things, not covering every little change/new thingin every pro/E module....) . One thing to focusat is probably the new drawing interface.

PTC offers a one day class either through the var channel or direct. Titled Update WF4 to WF5. Class ID = T2230-370. For obvious reasons using a certified instructor would be more beneficial.

The coursegoes overs the enhancements for the interface, sketcher, modeling, feature failure, assembly, drawing and sheet metal. If you need more info send a private message.
i often suggest to people interested in updating to a new revision into taking a week long class such as surfacing and do the class in wildfire 5.0 ... in this way you get the benefit of learning both at the same time.

To just take a wildfire 5.0 class seams like such a waste.
when I asked this I was thinking that having a Coach or eLearning library give you the option to learn how to use most of the modules. Having separate courses with instructor I believe they folow the same material but they will charge considerably more at the end you have to spend more money on training that you spend on software
Something else to consider if you're thinking about coach or eLearning libraries is that you may not have access to certain courses or modules thatare available for earlier versions since they haven't been updated yet for WF5. This means you'll need to be on maintenance if you want to get new courses or modules as they become available.

