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Windchill Check-In Problem


New member
We are having a problem checking in assemblies in Windchill. For some reason, when checking in, Windchill wants to check out at lot of other components in the assembly that were never changed or touched. The error message it gives during the save and upload process are that all the parts are read only. Any idea what is going on?

Just a question about what you did in your assembly:
did you play with the layer status there ?
If this is the case, layers status for the components can be modified at component level so that you are invited to check-out all of them.
That is interesting. It could be the case. I have hidden datums through the layer status tab. I haven't done it everytime, but maybe it is causing some of the problems.
Hi again.

That can be the reason for assemblies. But moreover, for drawings, make sure that you have the proper setting for layers (define in each drawing settings), see attached picture

otherwise, layer status in drawing will propagate to the drawing model in case some layers have same name in both drawing and drawing model.View attachment 3893
I've been working on this and finally figured out the following reasons:
1:) Any relation that would update on regeneration. Irrespective of the result from the recalculation.
2) Is there any references incoming to the model thru ECGs, etc. Although there will be no change in geom, it would be marked modified.
3) Hiding the layer status from top level assy
4) Cahnge in the mapped IBAS in Windchill but not yet updated in the pro/E params
5) If your regeneration status was in yellow before check-in.
PTC promises to solve them in WF5. Till then !!!!!

Can you explain what some of your acronymns mean? I am not figuring out,



Secondly, for all on this thread, does anyone know how to have windchill not regenerate read-only models that are in session from a workspace. I have found the following config option that appears not to work for Windchill "regenerate_read_only_objects". The Description for this config option says that for Pro/Intralink it determines whether objects with a database blocking status can be regenerated. We are having a similar situation as described earlier where our checked in models are showing modified. It from the surface does not appear to be related to layer status'.


Edited by: Schwick


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