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Windchill Library Problem


New member
We are having a problem with Windchill. We have a library on Windchill where we store screws, nuts, washers, etc and all the Engineers can add any of these to an assembly. They are read only, so we can't modify or check them out.

Well, we have been having problems with screws, and screws only. We will check out an assembly, do any modifications, and when we try to check the assembly back in Winchill will want us to check out every screw it has. And since we can't, it always get check in failed.

The only way we get around it, is to clear everything out of our workspace and only have that one invidual assembly open. It is very odd because it only happens to the screws.

Any idea what is going on?
The system is thinking that te screws have been modified, hence the desire of Windchill to want to do the check-in.

Have your admin check thefollowing things:density is assigned to the genric file, all instances have been verified, saved in the same version of Pro/E that you are using.

You should also be able to do a download of the FT just before you do the check-in, so that the checked-in version of the FT is in your workspace.


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