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Wing modeling from airfoil section


New member
Hi everyone,

I am trying to design a wing having the coordinates of an airfoil section. I know I have to import these general coordinates into ProE and it will draw the curve of the airfoil, but I don't remember how it is donebecause I haven't used this feature for several years now. Does anybody know how to draw the airfoil section importing the coordinates (I know it needs to be a txt file with the coordinates) so it draws the curve in the sketcher and then I can extrude my wing?

Thank you very much for your help and tips.

thanks for your link. I still have some problems. Once I insert the sketcher CSYS and I draw the upper and lower splines with a length from0-1I do the following:

Edit->modify. Then I select one of the splines and I have 3 options: Point; Fit; File. I select File and once there I select my sketcher CSYS and allows me to try to open a file. It is looking for a .pts file and I have my data in a .txt file. I converted that .txt file to .pts file but nothing happens. I'm affraid it is because of the format of my columns or something like that.I looked for the format of the .pts files in the global search but no luck. Do you know how my data needs to be arranged? Am I doing the right steps???

Thank you so much for your help


not sure but I think it has to have the z zero..been awhile you will need to break it into a top and bottom half

