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Wireframe view properties?


New member

Does anyone know if it's possible to change the background color to white and the line color to black in wireframe view? I would like to take a screen shot of my part as an exploded view and print it out for my customers. I thought if I could change the properties of the view, it could save me time in photoshop and illustrator.

If there is an easier way to accomplish this I would really like to learn how.

Thanks in advance,

View -> Display Settings -> System Color

Change the scheme to white on black

Change the selected color to white, click OK

Select the model/assembly - File -> Save As - > jpg
That worked great, thanks for your help
Could anyone tell me how to do this with "No hidden"?

When I try to use the black on white scheme everything just
disappears as the outline of my model is rendered as white
lines but my background is white (when I use white on black
scheme everything looks great except the colors are the
opposite of what I need).

When I try using the black on white scheme but then select
everything, I get visible lines, but they are "skeleton"
lines rather than "No hidden".


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