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Working Collaboratively/Concurrently


New member
I am very "new" to PRO-E. (I have a strong CATIA background). In CATIA I'm familiar with practices that allow Industrial Designers and Engineers to work concurrently on the same project, and merge information from an Industrial Design file and an Engineering file into a final part file for production. The final part file is linked back to the Industrial Design and Engineering files, so when changes occur on either side of the fence, the final part file can be updated to reflect the changes.

What are the best practices for concurrent development in PRO-E? If replying, please provide as detailed of a description as possible. At this point I know little to nothing about PRO-E, including terminology specific to PRO-E.
I don't think Pro/E has the capabilties that you are looking for. PTC did introduce an option in Pro/INTRALINK (I know it's in 3.3) whereby two people could work on the same file and there was supposedly the option to 'integrate' the files so that the modifications of both uses would be saved. However, I could never get this functionality to work and believe it never has done.

What sort of information would be in you industrial design file? Would it be aesthetic geometry and suchlike? How would an industrial design file vary from an engineering file? I do know that Wildfire 3 can now be integrated with Mathcad and that the Mathcad file can use geometrical parameters in calculations. If geometry is modified then the calculations will update automatically.

Sorry couldn't be more help but wasn't too clear on what you were asking

yes it is controlled by Pro/Intralink. when u work on pro by ilink, each and every thing is controlled by database and that is the great experiance too.
Assuming that the Industrial design is composed of surfaces, the surface geometry can be copied with LINK to another part file, wherein the Engineering of the part can take place.

In the industrial design; Insert>shared data> Publish geometry...

You may group the required surfaces, datum planes and other references and publish the same as one feature.

In the engineering Insert > shared data > copy geometry from other model...

Select publish geometry and set Dependency as Dependent.

Note: both models should lie in the same Working directory or in the search path.

If you have an Advanced Assembly Module, you may choose to look up at Skeleton modeling too. Try both the methods and select one that satisfies your need.

