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Hose assembly in Creo - best practice


New member
Anyone can recommend a best practice on creating hose assembly in Creo?

We'd like to the same part number (in this case asm p/n), whereby the end fittings are the same but the hose part is different in routing. So from the asm level standpoint it's the same p/n in parts list, but the same hose asm can be applied to different area with same hose length but different hose routings. Would be nice if the .prt is also the same.
The good news: I just figured out how to do it last friday. The bad news: I've been working on it for over two weeks and it turned out to be tedious and a bit difficult (due to regeneration errors). The simplehint is to make the "cable/hose" a flexible part. Depending on how you define the part, you could use curves and planes and use flexibility to vary the driving dimensions. Then, in the assembly you could adjust the dimensions to match your needs.

One problem I ran into, if I tried to make the cable/hose without using [pro]piping/cabling (simply using sweep or variable section sweep),I could not fix the overall length of the cable, so it could shorten and lengthen based on the assembly constraints.

Another problem I ran into was when I did use the cabling and try to fix the length, there were issues with regenerating ( I guess the system couldn't figure out a solution based on the varied dimensions and/or assembly constraints).

Search this forum for flexible hoses ( [url] 705&KW=flexible+hose[/url]). Then play with the flexible parts. I'll see if I can upload a representative part a little later (kind of busy now, and I can't post the parts I used for proprietary reasons). In the end, you would be using the same part, same properties. Wewanted to do this because we use a off-the-shelf pre-made cable and want the BOM to accurately reflect that, but also show how that same cable is used in the assembly (through pictures).
Anyone can recommend a best practice on creating hose assembly in Creo?

We'd like to the same part number (in this case asm p/n), whereby the end fittings are the same but the hose part is different in routing. So from the asm level standpoint it's the same p/n in parts list, but the same hose asm can be applied to different area with same hose length but different hose routings. Would be nice if the .prt is also the same.


If you wanna know how to create the hose check out this link.

also to answer your question, for every different length of the hose you have to assume a new part number even though the fittings/nipple are same. Otherwise with pdm(in my case windchill) use part number _length so it will be perfect. Also when you create bom, you can see the same part number then.


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