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Lamé Equation (function) to drive a curve?


New member
I have been asked if I could model a curve using a Lamé equation. The equation actually has two different equations with two missing values, one being the Z direction and the other being the radius (that is my belief so far).

Any ideas on how to get this into a model such that when the Z value is driven from 0 (or a negative number to start the curve on the correct trajectory) to say 7?

A = L2H * (1 - (Rleh/Rh)^n)^(1/n)

Lame function:
(R / Rh)^n + ( Z / A)^n = 1

We figured it out. There was an error in the equation that was preventing it from working.

In case anyone needs to know it in the future, here is what I put into the curve from equation (along with the notes to help):
/* Original Lamé function: (R/Rmid)^n + (Z/A)^(n = 1)
/* For Creo: T is the variable, we use this for the height in Z (CSYS based)
/* So, for a curve that goes to 5.65 high, Z = T*5.65 or Z = L2H*T (to use the L2H value as the height)
/* From the original formula, R is the radius, which we want to translate to X for cartesian coordinates
/* Rmid: Radius at midplane
/* L2H: Half length of the part
/* Rtop: Radius at the top of the part
/* n: exponent
/* So, change the formula such that: (X/Rmid)^n + (Z/A)^(n = 1)
/* Flip the equation such that we solve it for X = ((1-((Z/A)^n))^(1/n))*Rmid

Rmid = 6.742/2
L2H = 11.2874/2
Rtop = 2.1
n = 3.5
A = L2H * (1 - ((Rtop/Rmid)^n))^(-1/n)
Y = 0
Z = L2H*T
X = ((1-((Z/A)^n))^(1/n))*Rmid


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