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Sorry Isair, but when you have a model thats not all that complex and when you go and try the put a simple round on and Proe closes on you, well you get the picture. When you pay as much as you do for something like this you would think it would work most of the time. It's just not all that stable and there are ways to make a stable program. It comes down to cost and we all know companies love to cut cost. Look at PTC's maintenance. <- I'm sure I'm opening a can a worms on this one.
when things aren't going well for me I change my Mouse to the cheap one that's kept at the bottom of the drawer, then re-open ProE and at the first sign of trouble, BEAT THE CRAP out of it! (the mouse that is) also along with a few more choice words!

again not a fix - but very very satisfying!

one day soon - I'm sure they'll get it right!

I was in the same situation as many users were, proe closed without any possibility of saving. After many hours of work this destroyed my work, trail files were of no help to me, they became corrupt and if I tried torun them they closed proe. Are the guys at PTC not able to insert there a system variable or an auto-save feature?, is that so hard to program?

One thing I did find that permissions on directorys play havoc on the cad systems.

Make sure that you can write to the trail locations and such....
I ran 2001 here for years w/o stupid crashes, that was after it was setup correctly and the hardware was certified. Running ProE on non-certified hardware is like buying a GM alternator for a Honda.
So are trail files completely useless? I've never had any luck with them. When my Pro-E crashes I figure its time for lunch...
Trail files are not completely useless. What causes the most problems in trail files is when you resize the main window, and move menus, etc. The trail file cannot reproduce this. Once this is done the screen picks are wasted because the window does not resize itself and the start of the problems. Years ago I got into the habit of not moving windows and menus, and having the default size set in the config.
You can step the trails line by line to see where they go wrong, and edit them. It takes some know how but the trail files are not useless...
REMEMBER, PROE is not A MS Application like word, excel, etc, it uses tons of resources, thats why its important to have a decent certified workstation, not one your cousin larry put together for you.
slashct said:
Trail files are not completely useless. What causes the most problems in trail files is when you resize the main window, and move menus, etc. The trail file cannot reproduce this. Once this is done the screen picks are wasted because the window does not resize itself and the start of the problems. Years ago I got into the habit of not moving windows and menus, and having the default size set in the config.
You can step the trails line by line to see where they go wrong, and edit them. It takes some know how but the trail files are not useless...
REMEMBER, PROE is not A MS Application like word, excel, etc, it uses tons of resources, thats why its important to have a decent certified workstation, not one your cousin larry put together for you.

Are you implying that if I run a trail file with Pro/E in the same state (as far as window size/position) that it was in, that it will actually work?

That is hard to believe, but I mighttest it next time. The thing is I always maximize Pro-E, and the trail files would always crap out as soon they got to a Wildfire interface type command.

As far as workstations go, I'll presume you were making a general statement. My cousin Larry puts together very niceworkstations completely compliant with Pro-E recommendations.

It used to be a lot easier when there were "CAD Workstations".
It also used to be a lot more expensive when there were "CAD Workstations". Our first configuration cost the equivalent of now 50 000 Euro, for 1 A1-penplotter, 1 laserprinter, 1 second hand color A4 wax-printer and "one-and-a-half" workstation + software. The samemoneycan buy me 5 full licensed workstations + attributes now ...

Hello All
Actually one thing we all must remember, that may be some thing wrong with our pc!
Some things we usually not consider carefully, but those things are much more important, remember
If proE crash regullyary i think is Hardware problem

i agree is most possible to be Graphics Card

from few mons is workingwithout any problem

Trail files are very ussefull but you mustset up some changes in your

Edited by: cristelino
We found out that most of the "exits" can be eliminated simply by finding a better graphics card. We had one machine out of 8 that hardly ever crashed. We bought seven more identical graphics cards for the other machines and just about eliminated all of our crashes.
I used to suffer exactly this problem with 2001. 3 changes seemed to help.

Fit high preformance video card with latest drivers.

More RAM Ive ended up with 2 GByte

Running display in 16 bit mode rather than 32 bit.

Very rarely have shutdowns now.

Now working mostly with WF2 and it does seem much more stable.
yeah, are system is running much better now. We did the following:

unpluged the system 3 times, 1.9967435 seconds apart. then while standing on are heads holding the PTC manual we said outloud "booga booga, bee zee booga". after that we bent down and rammed are heads into the wall 5 times, bleed into the cd-rom and passed gas into the cooling fan.

you do this everyday before you start and you'll be crash free for 25.3 minutes.
I'm running WF2 and 2001. I have had very few problems with 2001 crashing. Probably less than a few times a year. I bet it's a video card problem if your installation and operating system are sound.

