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Adding component in Drawing - PDM Link


New member
Hello all,
I need help about how to use PDM Link - Windchill.
I started to use this month, so I've got a lot of doubts, in fact I had only one training.
So, today I was creating a Assembly's drawing, and I had a doubt.
Does someone know if I can add a component to the drawing to show my parts one by one?. See picture below
View attachment 5783
I want to show my parts in the same drawing that my assembly is. Is there a Problem? If in the future I need to revise some component but this component is related to the assembly drawing as I did above, can I have a problem?
Today I tried to do "checkout" of the Drawing but some component had been already "approved", so I could not do "checkout".
Please If someone wants contact me, please send me email. I need help.


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