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assigning materials


New member
Hi all,

i have just started using pro/e. I ahve been trying to learn pro/mechanica from tutorials i found on the net.

whenever i try to assign materials to a part in pro/mechanica a file open dialog box appears instead of a Materials dialog box.

please tell me how i can assign a material to a part...

thanx in advance
hi all,

I just found a zip file containing materials in this site. Now i can select the material i want for assigning, but i still want to get the dialog box that has all the materials listed (material dialog box, as shown in all mechanica tutorials).

Can anyone please help me??

thanx again
hi all,

I just found a zip file containing materials in this site. Now i can select the material i want for assigning, but i still want to get the dialog box that has all the materials listed (material dialog box, as shown in all mechanica tutorials).

Can anyone please help me??

thanx again. and thanks to the webmaster of this site for making life easier for newbies like me
For Mechanica independent mode, import or create your part. Then use Model>properties>Materials, the box should open.

For integrated mode select applications>mechanica>structure>Model>Materials, and the box should open. You may get asked what type of model you want 3D etc.
hi all,

I know basic 3 modules of pro/e and now I am on the verge of completion of Proe/Sheetmetal. now I want to start with Pro/Mechanica. can please anyone suggest me some best site where u get good materials. I tried out SDC there they just give sample chapters. So anyone knows abt this can just send me the link. I would be very much thankful. Bye P.Rajesh.

Keep mailing and smiling.

Hardwork is the Key to Success.
i lazy to start a new discussion on this.. but here goes, it's regarding materials anyway.. i'm just using the basic pro-e

i've learned that to assign material to a part, i'll have to open the part and assign the material in the setup>material>assign menu.

the problem here is that i have the habit of completing the design before assigning the materials. so it really takes me hell lot of time to open every part and assign the materials one by one.. it also take me on my nerves when pro-e ask me for the density of every part when i go to model analysis forgetting which part that i haven't assign materials. it's somehow hard to trace once there's a big modification done to the assembly model where parts are added and removed.

is there anyway that i can assign material in a table/spreadsheet form which lists parts and materials information to edit so that i can save the time of openning the part files to assign materials??

any help would be greatly appreciated.

