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Bottles In Solidworks


New member
Hi Folks, I'm new to this site but it looks a great site...lots off information. Anyway the reason for my post. I work for a glass bottle & jar manufacturing company. We use autocad to generate our mould drawings. We also have Solidworks but have never used it for modelling moulds but have for some complax bottles/blanks.

First thing is anyone out there work for a glass bottle manufacturer? If so what software do you use to produce your moulds? If its Solidworks could you provide information/part/assemblies of how you set up everything? If not its understandable but would love to see if its possible to move our work over to solidworks. It would be interesting to see how the moulds are modelled, how they are assembled and what its like to update moulds by changing the cavity. Also have you done much in the way of complex shaped bottles?

I have also downloaded the trial verison of creo so I will start learning that as well as many of the mould companies use Pro Engineer.

