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center of gravity

Sorry, Michail. I missed your message. I don't know why but I don't receive maassages at all.

I'm interested in. What is your task exactly and what are initial data and output data. How much is your body comlex?. Can you send me your part or assambly? As far as I can see your problem is to optimize dimantions with fixed centre of gravity. Isn't it?
Hy Rimma !

No. This is what I want to avoid: FIXED center of gravity. I have a PART with some bends and cuts. This part HAS a center of gravity. I can see where this point is (x, y, z coordinates). If I change the length of the bends or the position of cuts, the center of gravity is changed too, of course.It has newx, y, z coordinates. My problem is to draw a sketch point at this coordinates ( Center of gravity coordinates) and, if CG coordinates are changed (when I make changes in the geometry of the part) the sketched point move AUTOMATICALY at the new coordinates of the CG.

In fact, I am looking for a way to define a relation COINCIDENT between a sketched point and the CG.

Thank to all !

Ok. I tried the Peter's way andI liked this solution. Easy and smart. This way using facilities of design table can be adapted to solve the other problems like this. For example, to place on drawing the table of with different masses part configurations.

Does your Excel DT update itself without you having to open it?For my SW2007 SP3.0 I cannot get the table to update....

Thank you guys. Very much !

Peter's soluton is easy for you, Rimma. But... is my job from now to learn more about DT.

And one more question: Can I print ALL posts imediatly or is necesary to COPY-PASTE yours postsin a text editor from where I can print ?

Thank you again !
Edited by: Mihail
Near the bottom you should see a "printable version" link. It will put all the posts together for viewing all at once or printing. No need to cut and paste.

I hope to hear from Rimma; this would be very useful to me if it could work!
Peter, I work with SW2008 and Excel 2003. Iget updating every time whenI close and open table in active configuration. If you want to get updeting for each configuration in table your should activate all configurations step by step closing and opening table. It's only problem thet I have noticed for SW2008. I will try do this with SW2007 later.
Hi, again!

I follow step by step Peter's solution but don't work for me. I can't obtain a VALUE in DT. I obtain ONLY the variable name in DT. And I can not convert this name to a numeric value.

I use SW 2007. Is this the problem ?
Hy.. again.

I "solve" a half of this problem. No. I am not smart. The SW programmers are. (I know, nothing new for you


Start a 3D Sketch and sketch a point.

Dimenssion this point using SW default planes (that means X, Y and Z coordinates)

Double click a dimenssion -> Add equation. Will apeare the "Add Equation" window.

This window has, in the bottom right corner a button with two arrows on it. Click this button and... you will see the solution.

The unsolved half is that the dimension can not be zero.

Good luck !


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