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CoCreate & Direct software


New member
Just curious if anyone has dabbled in Creo Direct much? I see the tools being integrated into the Core Creo tools so I tend to get interested when that happens.
Impressive but have only used the free edition limited to assembly max 60 unique part

I've used and dabbled with the creo DirectModeling-express product which can be downloaded from PTC's site.
PTC - Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Express 4.0

It's pretty powerful software and has fewer restrictions on naming than proe/creo much of the improvements in Creo parametric (xtop.exe) are from CoCreate (SolidDesigner.exe)

One of the best parts of the User Interface is the context sensitive customization that can set specific icons to show up based on what's selected by user line, arc, face, plane, cylinder etc. If you don't have or use CreoDirect at your company you can easily install the 32 or 64bit express version and give it a try. Haven't been using it too much in the past few weeks but may be able to answer your questions with more specificity.

(∂) t r a j p a r
(∂) mc SldWrx 2008
I have Creo Direct and have used it. It's a pretty powerful tool. It will be much more powerful when incorporated into Creo fully. I like their library as well but don't like the way it works in that it's not very easy to incorporate modifications like your own part numbers, vendor, etc. It's better using as a bulk part type library.

The modeling is something I've really been waiting for but, it doesn't eliminate the need for the Creo way of doing things completely. Both methods would be ideal.

